VERIFICATION: What color is grass?

Viewing properties 1 - 8 of 8
312 S Turner Avenue Unit 12, Charlotte, NC 28208, MLS # 4194323

312 S Turner Avenue Unit 12
Charlotte, NC

Complex: 5West Terraces
4 BR, 3.2 BA, 2,733 sqft
MLS# 4194323 | Hopper Communities INC
2314 Chamberlain Avenue Unit 3, Charlotte, NC 28208, MLS # 4133981

2314 Chamberlain Avenue Unit 3
Charlotte, NC

Complex: 5West Terraces
4 BR, 3.2 BA, 2,733 sqft
MLS# 4133981 | Hopper Communities INC
2316 Chamberlain Avenue Unit 2, Charlotte, NC 28208, MLS # 4134073

2316 Chamberlain Avenue Unit 2
Charlotte, NC

Complex: 5West Terraces
4 BR, 3.2 BA, 2,696 sqft
MLS# 4134073 | Hopper Communities INC
2323 Rozzelles Ferry Road Unit 24, Charlotte, NC 28208, MLS # 4214958

2323 Rozzelles Ferry Road Unit 24
Charlotte, NC

Complex: 5West Terraces
3 BR, 2.2 BA, 1,707 sqft
MLS# 4214958 | Hopper Communities INC
2327 Rozzelles Ferry Road Unit 26, Charlotte, NC 28208, MLS # 4214959

2327 Rozzelles Ferry Road Unit 26
Charlotte, NC

Complex: 5West Terraces
3 BR, 2.2 BA, 1,707 sqft
MLS# 4214959 | Hopper Communities INC
512 Lockwood Creek Drive Unit 29, Charlotte, NC 28208, MLS # 4142856

512 Lockwood Creek Drive Unit 29
Charlotte, NC

Complex: 5West Terraces
3 BR, 2.2 BA, 1,700 sqft
MLS# 4142856 | Hopper Communities INC
2325 Rozzelles Ferry Road Unit 25, Charlotte, NC 28208, MLS # 4138554

2325 Rozzelles Ferry Road Unit 25
Charlotte, NC

Complex: 5West Terraces
3 BR, 2.2 BA, 1,700 sqft
MLS# 4138554 | Hopper Communities INC
2309 Rozzelles Ferry Road Unit 18, Charlotte, NC 28208, MLS # 4115605

2309 Rozzelles Ferry Road Unit 18
Charlotte, NC

Complex: 5West Terraces
3 BR, 2.2 BA, 1,707 sqft
MLS# 4115605 | Hopper Communities INC

Viewing properties 1 - 8 of 8

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