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Viewing properties 25 - 27 of 27
628 Deodar Cedar Drive, Weddington, NC 28104, MLS # 3833089
$335,000   Under Contract

628 Deodar Cedar Drive
Weddington, NC

0.46 Acres
MLS# 3833089 | Moser Group, Inc., The
624 Deodar Cedar Drive, Weddington, NC 28104, MLS # 3830939
$330,000   Under Contract

624 Deodar Cedar Drive
Weddington, NC

0.54 Acres
MLS# 3830939 | Moser Group, Inc., The
707 Yellow Poplar Lane, Weddington, NC 28104, MLS # 3831867
$320,000   Under Contract

707 Yellow Poplar Lane
Weddington, NC

0.54 Acres
MLS# 3831867 | Moser Group, Inc., The

Viewing properties 25 - 27 of 27

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