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Viewing properties 1 - 3 of 3
405 Wake Drive, Salisbury, NC 28144, MLS # 4199923

405 Wake Drive
Salisbury, NC

Neighborhood: Eagle Heights
4 BR, 2.1 BA, 2,956 sqft
MLS# 4199923 | RE/MAX Leading Edge
412 Princeton Drive, Salisbury, NC 28144, MLS # 4214949

412 Princeton Drive
Salisbury, NC

Neighborhood: Eagle Heights
4 BR, 2.1 BA, 2,631 sqft
MLS# 4214949 | Century 21 Towne and Country
205 Windsor Drive, Salisbury, NC 28144, MLS # 4188234
$350,000   Under Contract

205 Windsor Drive
Salisbury, NC

Neighborhood: Eagle Heights
4 BR, 2.1 BA, 2,412 sqft
MLS# 4188234 | Keller Williams Ballantyne Area

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